Donations to Cathedral ministries

To donate to the Cathedral Family Ministry use bank transfer to:
Account name: Family Ministry Account
BSB: 705077
Acc No: 00041031
For reference use surname plus postcode
To request receipt email details of donation to

To donate to the Friends of Newcastle Cathedral Music use bank transfer to:
Account name: Friends of Newcastle Cathedral Music
BSB: 062-822
Acc Number: 2800 2430
For reference use surname plus postcode
To request receipt email details of donation to
Donations to Friends of Newcastle Cathedral Music are tax deductible.

Thank you!

Sunday 10th October 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 10th October, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream only
Presider: The Reverend Selwyn Dornan
Preacher: The Reverend Dr Julia Perry

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join

Due to the COVID lockdown the Cathedral is closed and there will be no public services. The pre-recorded online daily services continue to be available, and the 8.00am Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday. Click the YouTube link below:


Downloads for this week:

Sunday 3rd October 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 3rd October, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream only
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: Mr Peter Guy, Director of Music

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join

Due to the COVID lockdown the Cathedral is closed and there will be no public services. The pre-recorded online daily services continue to be available, and the 8.00am Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday. Click the YouTube link below:


Downloads for this week:

Sunday 26th September 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 26th September, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream only
Presider: The Reverend Dr Julia Perry
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join

Due to the COVID lockdown the Cathedral is closed and there will be no public services. The pre-recorded online daily services continue to be available, and the 8.00am Mass will be live-streamed on Sunday. Click the YouTube link below:


Downloads for this week: