Sunday 31st October 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 31st October, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Reverend Stephen Williams
10am: Choral Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Reverend Stephen Williams

Atttendance at the 8am and 10am services will be in accordance with current NSW Health regulations. The 8am service will also be live-streamed via Youtube

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join


Downloads for this week:

Sunday 24th October 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 24th October, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
10am: Choral Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer

Atttendance at the 8am and 10am services will be in accordance with current NSW Health regulations. The 8am service will also be live-streamed via Youtube

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join


Downloads for this week:
Prayers 24 Oct 2021.pdf

Sunday 17th October 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 17th October, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: Bishop Dr Peter Stuart
10am: Choral Eucharist
Presider: Bishop Dr Peter Stuart
Preacher: Bishop Dr Peter Stuart

In accordance with NSW Health regulations, attendance at the 8am and 10am services will be limited to fully vaccinated adults and their dependents. The 8am service will also be live-streamed via Youtube

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join


Downloads for this week:

Reopening after lockdown 17 October 2021

As we move carefully and safely to in person worship, I can’t wait to welcome you back home to the Cathedral and St Peter’s, when you feel it’s right for you. Fr Daniel Dries at Christ Church St Laurence sent a helpful summary of NSW Health and legal requirements to his parish for their return, and I’ve adapted them for our use. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the parish office so that we may respond.

• On Sunday 17 October, there will be Eucharists at the Cathedral at 8.00am and 10.00am. Bishop Peter Stuart will be our preacher all morning and will preside at one of the Eucharists.
• In accordance with NSW Health regulations, attendance will be limited to
fully vaccinated adults and their dependents.

• To gain admission, parishioners and visitors will be required to show evidence of double vaccination.
• Evidence of vaccination may be shown using your smart phone or a printed certificate.
• There will be designated parishioners who will ask to see your proof of vaccination. After you have demonstrated proof of full vaccination, you will be invited to register your attendance.
• Please remember to maintain social-distancing inside and outside our church buildings.

• Please use the QR Code to register your attendance.
• After scanning the QR code, please show the green tick to the sidesperson, who will invite you to take an order of service.
• If you are not using the QR code, please identify yourself to the sidesperson, who will record your name and phone number (in accordance with NSW Health regulations).

• The Public Health Order requires masks to be worn in places of worship.
• Social distancing is to be maintained when seated, with 1 person per 4 square metres, except for family groups.
• Please sit in the pews marked ‘Please sit here’ which will be arranged to reflect social distancing requirements.

• Holy Communion will be administered in one kind (no chalice) in the first stage of our return to church.
• Holy Communion will be distributed at Nave Sanctuary steps.
• Please remain in your pew until an usher invites you to come forward for Holy Communion and please maintain social distancing in the aisle.
• Please remove your face mask just before you receive Holy Communion.

• The current Public Health Order does not permit congregational singing, although we expect this to change early in December.
• At 10.00am singing will be provided by our choristers. Thankfully, the revised Public Health Order permits groups of up to 10 fully vaccinated, socially-distanced singers in places of worship.

• Refreshments will not be served after any services, although we hope this will change in the coming weeks.

• From Monday 18 October, weekday services at the Cathedral and St Peter’s will also be open to congregations, subject to all of the regulations listed above.
• Entrance to all weekday services at the Cathedral will be through the St Christopher transept door (opposite the middle driveway).
Evensong will recommence in December.
• A Zoom Sunday Evening Prayer group will continue to meet online on Sunday at 6.00pm If you would like to participate in this online service, please click here