Sunday 21st November 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 21st November, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Reverend Canon Roger Zohrab
10am: Choral Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Reverend Canon Roger Zohrab

Atttendance at the 8am and 10am services will be in accordance with current NSW Health regulations. The 8am service will also be live-streamed via Youtube

Sunday Evening Prayer via Zoom has finished – in person Evensong will be recommencing on 28 November.


Downloads for this week:

Attending worship at the Cathedral

• Please remember to maintain social-distancing inside and outside our church buildings.

• Please use the QR Code to register your attendance.
• After scanning the QR code, please show the green tick to the sidesperson, who will invite you to take an order of service.
• If you are not using the QR code, please identify yourself to the sidesperson, who will record your name and phone number (in accordance with NSW Health regulations).

• The Public Health Order requires masks to be worn in places of worship.
• Social distancing is to be maintained when seated, with 1 person per 2 square metres, except for family groups.

• Holy Communion will be administered in one kind (no chalice) in the first stage of our return to church.
• Holy Communion will be distributed at Nave Sanctuary steps.
• Please remain in your pew until an usher invites you to come forward for Holy Communion and please maintain social distancing in the aisle.
• Please remove your face mask just before you receive Holy Communion.

• Fully vaccinated congregation members are able to sing whilst wearing a mask. Please show your vaccination certificate to the sidespeople in order to be given a hymn book.

• Weekday Eucharists have recommenced at the Cathedral and St Peter’s, subject to all of the regulations listed above. Service times are listed in the pewslip.
• Entrance to all weekday services at the Cathedral will be through the St Christopher transept door (opposite the middle driveway).
Evensong will recommence on Sunday 28th November.
• Our final Zoom Sunday Evening Prayer group will meet online on Sunday 14th November at 6.00pm. If you would like to participate in this online service, please click here:

Sunday 14th November 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 14th November, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
10am: Choral Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer

Atttendance at the 8am and 10am services will be in accordance with current NSW Health regulations. The 8am service will also be live-streamed via Youtube

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join


Downloads for this week:

Sunday 7th November 2021

Cathedral Services on Sunday 7th November, 2021
8am: Eucharist – live stream
Presider: The Reverend Selwyn Dornan
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
10am: Choral Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer

Atttendance at the 8am and 10am services will be in accordance with current NSW Health regulations. The 8am service will also be live-streamed via Youtube

6pm: Evening prayer via Zoom
Look in pewsheet for details and link to join


Downloads for this week: