Category Archives: Stewardship

Sunday 25 September 2011, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

7.00am     Eucharist
Celebrant: The Dean
Preacher: Rev Luke Hopkins
8.00am     Eucharist
Celebrant: Fr Mark Watson
Preacher: Rev Luke Hopkins
9.30am     Choral Eucharist with baptisms
Celebrant: Fr Mark Watson
Preacher: Rev Luke Hopkins
11.30am   Family Eucharist with baptisms
Celebrant & preacher: Fr Timothy Fox 
6.00pm     Thanksgiving for Creation: the Animal Blessing Service
Officiant: The Dean
Preacher: Fr Mark Watson

Sunday 18 September 2011, Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

7.00am     Eucharist
Celebrant & preacher: Fr Mark Watson
8.00am     Eucharist
Celebrant: Fr Mark Watson
Preacher: Fr Nicholas King
9.30am     Choral Eucharist ‘Memories’ Service for Dementia Awareness
Celebrant: The Dean
Preacher: Fr Nicholas King
11.30am   Family Eucharist with baptisms
Celebrant & preacher: The Dean
6.00pm     Choral Evensong (Book of Common Prayer)
Guest Choir: Tudor House School Choir
Officiant & preacher: Fr Mark Watson