Category Archives: Stewardship

Cathedral Quiet Morning Programme 2012

Saturdays 10.00am – 1.00pm

Saturday 25 February: Gerard Manley Hopkins
Saturday 31 March: Lenten Quiet Morning: Suffering with Christ
Saturday 21 April: Behold
Saturday 19 May: Spirituality of Community
Saturday 30 June: Spirituality of Mary McKillop
Saturday 28 July: Crisis
Saturday 25 August: Exploring the Carmelite Tradition
Saturday 22 September: The uncluttered heart
Saturday 20 October: The things that make for peace
Saturday 24 November: Advent Quiet Morning: Attentiveness

Quiet mornings are held in the St Michael Chapel.
Bookings should be made with the Dean, Fr James, or PO Box 221 Newcastle 2300.
We ask for a donation of a minimum of $5 per morning.


Sunday 18 December 2011, Fourth Sunday of Advent

7.00am     Eucharist
Celebrant & preacher: Fr Mark Watson
8.00am     Eucharist
Celebrant & preacher: Fr Mark Watson
9.30am     Choral Eucharist with baptisms
Celebrant: The Dean , Preacher: Fr Mark Watson
11.30am   Family Eucharist with baptism
Celebrant & preacher: Fr Timothy Fox
6.00pm     Choral Evensong
Officiant & preacher: Fr Timothy Fox