Author Archives: admin

Sunday 7th April 2024

Cathedral Services on Sunday 7th April, 2024

8am: Eucharist
Presider: The Reverend Gary Atherton
Preacher: The Reverend Gary Atherton
10am: Sung Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Reverend Gary Atherton
6pm: Sung Evensong
Officiant: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: Reflection


Download this week’s pew sheet:

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week Services at Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
All welcome

Maundy Thursday – 28 March 2024
7.30pm Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday – 29 March 2024
8.00am Morning Prayer and Litany
10.00am Family Service
12.00pm Solemn Liturgy
6.00pm Taize

Easter Eve – 30 March 2024
7.00pm The Great Vigil

Easter Day – 31 March 2024
8.00am Sung Eucharist
10.00am Choral Eucharist
6.00pm Festal Evensong


Sunday 24th March 2024

Cathedral Services on Sunday 24th March, 2024 – Passion Sunday

8am: Eucharist
Presider: The Reverend Gary Atherton
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
10am: Sung Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
7pm: Tenebrae
Officiant: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer


Download this week’s pew sheet:
Pewsheet 24 March 2024

Sunday 17th March 2024

Cathedral Services on Sunday 17th March, 2024

8am: Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Reverend Gary Atherton
10am: Sung Eucharist
Presider: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: The Reverend Gary Atherton
6pm: Sung Evensong
Officiant: The Very Reverend Katherine Bowyer
Preacher: Archdeacon Rod Bower


Download this week’s pew sheet: